When I entered my first painting class in school, do you know what my painting professor said to me?
“Painting is dead.”
Detail of new paintings in progress. Release date TBA
I promptly believed that asshat and went into drawing animation and computers....
If something moves you to make a mark, to push color, to pull up water in your brush and spill out your creative guts... urging you to create, and recreate, dismembers your thoughts, makes you lose time, stretches you to new limits it is alive.
Painting is ALIVE no matter what some intellectual who was left to wither on the vine thinks.
I believed this man for years! And he learned this from someone else. I didn’t start painting until I left school and was sanding down old sailboats on a boatyard in Provincetown.
If it quickens your pulse, it’s important, breathing, waiting for you to put it into action. This is one of my touchstone moments to “fuck it, I’m all in.”
What stories have you broken up from the past to step into your power?